Thursday, August 20, 2009

Four Years!!

First an update: the stitches are out and my neck is healing well!!  The incision is longer than what the Doctor wanted, but I'm ok with it as long as the cyst is out.  And that's what it was a sort of epidermal cyst that has no cause for concern.  Yay, I'm glad that is all over with!

Now on to more important things...

Today Ryan and I are celebrating our four year anniversary!  Four years ago I married the most amazing man that continues to amaze me everyday.  I thank God everyday, multiple times a day, that He blessed me with such a wonderful husband and best friend.  I'm not always the easiest to put up with (this may be an understatement), but Ryan not only does but would not think of it as "putting up" with me.  

We have had some tough moments during these last four years, especially this year, but one thing remains constant and that is our love.  When one of us gets down and envious of others, the other is there to remind them that our marriage and love are unbreakable.  

Ryan: I love you so much, I could never find the words to explain the love I have for you.  I feel so lucky to be married to you.  Thank you for all you do and all you are.  The day I married you I was madly in love with you and I never would have thought that four years later I could be even more in love with you, but I am!  

The best way for me to end this post is with the vows we said on our wedding day.  They touched my heart when we said them four years ago, and they still ring true today.  

Ryan, you have been the reason my heart has continued to beat since I was a very young woman.  I have loved you since I knew I trusted you and knew you would always be my friend.  I take your hand in mine this day and feel a warmth that I want to feel forever and ever.  I promise to protect, to support, and to comfort you in any need – to be at your side to encourage and guide.  I wish to always be in you influence, to feel of your love and to know that you are the best part of me.  I promise to be all that I am able to be and to be worthy of your love.  I marry you this day with a song in my heart, for I know we shall always walk together side by side in honesty and trust.

Stay tuned for an upcoming post to find out how we are celebrating our anniversary!  

Friday, August 7, 2009


It has been awhile since I last posted mainly because nothing has been going on in our lives. The only real big event has been the removal of my cyst.  And since I had it removed yesterday and I've been in bed since, I decided now is a good time to update the blog! 

I'm warning you now, if you have a weak stomach there may be a picture that may cause that queasy feeling!

So here is what has happened since my last post about my cyst or cat scratch fever:  The bump on my neck remained the same until last Monday.  I woke up that morning to the bump being very painful and almost black in color.  I had already gone in for an ultrasound to determine what the doctor wanted to do about it but had yet to hear from him.  So, with the advice of my husband and family, I called the doctor.  Two days later I was on a very strong antibiotic and I had surgery scheduled for yesterday (Thursday).  Turns out my bump had become infected and the doctor wanted to remove it as soon as he could.

Here is a picture of my bump pre-infection and pre-surgery:

So I went in yesterday at 1:45 pm for a 2:45 pm surgery with a LOT of nerves.  They were going to put me under general anesthesia which I was not comfortable with.  Something about not being in control of a situation bothers me.  With some help from my Mom and the wonderful nurses, I went into surgery.  I cried as I went into the operating room, but luckily quickly fell asleep once they gave me (as they called it) "the happy juice".  

The next thing I remember is waking up in the OR feeling like I was throwing up.  Which I wasn't.  They were removing the breathing tube.  The next thing I knew I was awake and talking to the nurse telling her, the doctor, the anesthesiologist and anyone else who could hear me that my throat hurt - BAD!  The nurse asked me about my surgery site and I told her it didn't hurt but my throat really did.  I wasn't expecting a breathing tube and have never had one to my knowledge.  My throat still hurts today and I'm still coughing a lot from it.  The wonderful nurse gave me some apple juice and then a popsicle.  The best popsicle I have EVER had!

At that point, my Mom and Ryan came back and I was ready to go!  I didn't have to go to the recovery room because the nurses all felt I was doing just fine.  I was able to stand up without fainting so they sent me home!!

 Since the surgery I have been in bed watching TV and movies while Ryan is taking care of me.  He has been so wonderful (as usual!).  He fixes my pillows, gets me food, helps me sit up, and listened to me scream as I removed my bandage off of my little hairs on my neck.  OW!!  I have an amazing husband and I have been especially reminded of that the last couple of days.  

So that's that!  Now it's just time for recovery until it's better.  I am in pain, especially when lying down and sitting up, but I figure I can only feel better from here!  I have a post-op appointment with the doctor on Wednesday.  He removed the cyst that was infected and bigger than he had thought along with a lymph node that was infected as well.  He has sent them in for a biopsy as he's not convinced it's not cat scratch fever.  I will find out early next week what it is.  Here is a picture of my battle wound.  Please don't mind the gross slimy hairs - I have to keep antibiotic cream on it.

So there you have it!  Thank you to my family for taking care of me and everyone's thoughts and prayers and to God for watching over me!  Seems like I'm going to be ok.

And because my poor sister has pneumonia and is quarantined to her house, hopefully this will brighten her (and your) day!  Here is my nephew, Nathan, swimming with Grandpa Griz:

That is a doorstop that he is talking into like a phone!

Blowing bubbles with Griz!